Economic Census

Economic Census
Economic Census 2019
What is the Economic Census?

वित्त मंत्रालय की ओर से पेश की जाने वाली आधिकारिक रिपोर्ट होती है, जिसे इकनॉमिक सर्वे कहलाता है।
आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण मुख्य आर्थिक सलाहकार के साथ वित्त और आर्थिक मामलों की जानकारों की टीम तैयार करती है।

The Economic Survey tells us what was the growth trend during the year? Which schemes have been implemented and what are the likely outcomes. Along with providing information on all such aspects, detailed information on challenges at the economy, forecast and policy level is also put in place.

Which area is covered in the 7 economic census?

It outlines the sector-wise conditions of the economy and measures for improvement. Broadly speaking, this survey serves as an approach to future policies. In the detailed economic situation, emphasis will also be given on which areas the government should focus on. These surveys are only recommendations and there is no legal obligation on them and for this reason, the government takes them only as directed.

Economic Census Economic Census Reviewed by Shubham Babu on October 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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